Food Security in India
Food security is the availability, affordability and accessibility of food at all times.
Availability- It is the amount of food produced annually, imported food as well as the previous year's stock that is available to the people.
Affordability- It means the person has sufficient money needed to buy the food.
Accessibility- It is the amount of food that is within reach of an individual.
Food security is needed for the country to prevent starvation when natural calamities take place or when there is a famine. The worst famine ever in Indian history where 30 Lakh( 3 million) people died was the Famine of Bengal in 1943. Since food security is present in our country, we were able to prevent such a disaster from taking place again.
There are many food insecure people in this country and they include landless people with little or no land, SC's(scheduled caste) , ST's(scheduled tribe) and a few sections of OBC's(other backward classes). Migrating people are also highly food insecure along with women and children. Hunger is another factor of food insecurity.
With the help of food security in India, seasonal and chronic hunger has reduced dramatically.
GREEN REVOLUTION is another thing which helped achieve self-sufficiency in food grains. It was especially for the production of wheat and rice at that time. The Indian government has it's own food security system which has two main components, buffer stock and PDS(public distribution system).
Buffer stock is the stock of food-grains secured by the FCI(food corporation of India). The FCI buys the surplus grains from the farmers according to the MSP(minimum support price) and stores them. Later it sells the grains to poor people at prices less than the market price called issue price.
The PDS distributes the food to poorer sections of the society through ration shops. The shops store grains, oil, etc. Anybody with a ration card can get a stipulated amount of items at a lower rate every month. Rationing was there since the famine in Bengal but soon got strengthened by programs like ICDS, PAP's, etc. A few schemes made by the GOV of India are the AAY(Antyodaya Anna Yojana) and the APS(Annapurna Scheme) targeting 'poorest of the poor' and indigent senior citizens' respectively.
Even though PDS has been doing so much to the country, the dealers are using malpractices like selling the grains in the markets, giving poor quality food to the ration shops, etc.
Cooperatives also play a role in food security by setting up shops to sell low priced goods to poor people. Eg:- In Delhi 'Mother Dairy' is providing milk and vegetables to the people at controlled rates. In Maharashtra, ADS(Academy of Development Science) has set up grain banks which store and give grains. Many other programs are acknowledged for helping the country successfully in the matter of food security.